Tap dictionary & syllabus with with breakdowns of 315 tap steps.
Easily learn & practice any step.
Perfect for teachers or students working on their own.
Written notes with counts.
Digital Download & Streaming - $39
DVD + Download & Streaming - $69
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Our 315 Package is a Better Deal!
Save $19 & get 315 practice combinations!
315 Steps at your fingertips!
You get video breakdowns of 315 tap steps plus 2 sets of written notes - one in alphabetical order and one in syllabus order (split into 7 levels).
Each video shows how to do a specific step as well as alternate names and counts. All steps are filmed from the back so it’s like you’re right there in the room with the teacher.
Our breakdowns are slow and clear with counts so you can easily pick up the steps.
Greater confidence in your tapping.
You’ll enjoy tapping much more when you are familiar with all these popular tap steps.
Your confidence will rise when you know the various rhythms and alternate names for each step.
Knowing all this makes tap dance more fun.
Keep tap dancing fresh!
Doing the same steps over and over gets old real fast.
Learn fun new steps in seconds with this dictionary/syllabus! That helps keep tap dancing fun and interesting.
We have tons of variations for common steps like cramp rolls and waltz clogs - these allow you to add some spice and flair to your tap dancing instead of rehashing the same old moves.
This is for teachers too!
Teachers love having this resource at their fingertips.
Having all those steps broken down by level and organized in teaching level makes it super easy to keep track of what you've taught and have yet to teach.
It's also helpful to teach students alternate step names as they vary WIDELY from place to place.
With so many step variations you'll always have harder options on hand for that student who gets everything right away and needs a challenge.
People love this!
"I love that Rod's syllabus starts out at the beginner level and goes all the way through the advanced level and he offers so much work [content] to teach. My students love the challenges, they love the varied rhythms...it keeps our classes exciting!"
Sheryl from the USA
"I need some kind of exercise I can do that's fun...the difference it (tap dance) has made in me is tremendous. My strength has grown, by core is just stronger, my sense of balance is better, and I've lost a few pounds..."
Jackie from the USA
"The syllabus makes me feel confident knowing that my students are learning all the right benchmarks...The video quality is great, your instruction is always clear, and you make it easy to follow along...I am all around impressed, thank you for providing such a reliable, high quality service at a steal of a price."
Whitney from the USA
"…I absolutely love it. It's such a perfect idea because it's concise, to the point, and very well organized. Being a teacher myself, I appreciate your step by step teaching method."