Tap dance lessons are the core of your tap dance journey. They're where you'll learn essential steps, hone your rhythm and put it all together into actual tap dancing. They're also a ton of fun.
No experience required - we start from scratch.
BeginnerFor those with 1-2 years experience.
For those with 2-4 years experience.
For those with 4+ years experience.
Int-AdvancedThe Essentials Package plus our level 1 tap dictionary, practice exercises, a complete routine, across the floor combinations, bonus lessons & more!
$460 $199
All 12 beginner lessons plus our 3 essential tap guides.
$97 $49
Lessons 1-4
Starting from scratch.
Lessons 5-8
Learning and combining basic moves.
Lessons 9-12
Putting it all together and really tap dancing!
The Essentials Package plus our level 2 tap dictionary, practice exercises, a complete routine, across the floor combinations, bonus lessons & more!
$460 $199
All 12 adv-beginner lessons plus our 3 essential tap guides.
$97 $49
Lessons 5-8
More doubles, time steps & traveling steps.
Lessons 9-12
Putting it all together plus dynamics & call & response.
Lessons 1-4
New steps and starting doubles.
The Essentials Package plus our level 3 tap dictionary, practice exercises, a complete routine, across the floor combinations, bonus lessons & more!
$460 $199
All 12 intermediate lessons plus our 3 essential tap guides.
$97 $49
Lessons 1-4
New steps and more doubles.
Lessons 5-8
Traveling steps & riff work.
Lessons 9-12
Putting it all together plus counter rhythms.
The Essentials Package plus our level 4 tap dictionary, practice exercises, a complete routine, across the floor combinations, bonus lessons & more!
$490 $219
All 18 int-advanced lessons plus our 3 essential tap guides.
$127 $69
Lessons 1-6
Adding pullbacks to other steps.
Lessons 7-12
Traveling time steps & variations.
Lessons 13-18
Putting it all together plus turns.
Need help deciding? Email me!
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