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An exciting workout that gets you into shape and improves your tapping.
There’s a fun way to get your exercise, lift your mood, improve your cardio, and sleep better - it’s tap dancing! You’ll experience all those wonderful benefit from
this workout video and your tap skills will improve! It’s a win win situation.
You’ll tap through all the steps in our level 4 syllabus strengthening your skills and your body at the same time. We ease you into the workout with some light
tapping to start - then we really start to work your feet and legs. We never stop tapping the entire time.
You’re going to have fun and get in shape - that’s the best of both worlds!
Enjoy better mood & well being.
Getting regular exercise, especially exercise that’s actually enjoyable, improves mood, sleep, digestion, overall health and well being. In fact exercise is
essential to having a happy healthy life. And now it can actually be fun!
You own it for life!
No expensive subscriptions here - you get to keep these for life!
If you ever misplace or lose your files we will replace them free of charge.
You can download the lessons for offline viewing.
The full price of this product was:$19.99. If you purchase now, you will get it for $10 - inDigital Format(Digital Format (Download & Streaming)*)
The full price of this product was:$29.99. If you purchase now, you will get it for $20 - inDigital Format(
DVDs + Digital Format
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